Eco Master's Updates

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Eco Master
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Eco Master's Updates

Post by Eco Master »

I'll post updates here.
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Eco Master
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Post by Eco Master »

One town made! I mught edit it a bit, but its good. I also fit a nice scenery so you know you're going somehere. The house after the bridge is used to house someone to tell you that if you go south, you go to <insert town name> and going west leads you to the arctic. And put it in so the person notes you that east is the water town, in case you approac from the west!

I'm enjoying myself!
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Eco Master
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Post by Eco Master »

Oh, and I'm focusing on 2 towns a day, one in the morning, one at night. After towns, I'll add scenery. I mean, who doesn't hate long trails of green... green... and more green?
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Eco Master
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Post by Eco Master »

ANy way I can upload files on this board? Cause I can show you my big plan for the town locations with a paint file.
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Post by Issa »

No you cant upload using the board. Just email me the file so I can check out what you've been doing. Be sure to zip it up though so the filesize is smaller!
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Post by Eco Master »

Sent it!

In the file map plan, #5 is going to be a town on a lake, walkable with bridges.
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Post by Issa »

Cool I like the town at #4. Just gotta make the insides now. Anyway no more water, dont make #5 a water town, the only water is the river nothing else.
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Post by Eco Master »

Aw dang it!

*goes back to mass critical thinking mode*
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Eco Master
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Post by Eco Master »

Hmm, made #5 a forest instead of water. I really like how this came out. I have a good idea for what the towns are to look like (theme-wise, I just throw in tiles for houses).

#7:Probably a broken down-type place.
#8:Uhh... no clue
#9:A small maze
#10:Underground (acessible from cave that you have to pass a maze to get past)

The towns only take like 10 min. to make, but I don't want to leave all the other areas blank. I'll have to force myself to work ONLY ON TOWNS first, then it'll all be good.

Forget a schedule, I'll make at least one town a day.
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Post by Issa »

I will email you by today or tomorrow the areas I need done. You know the select area screen? Well I already have all 12 areas on that screen. So use this as a guideline as to what kind of areas to make.
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Post by Eco Master »

Can I PLEEEASE keep the forest?
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Post by Issa »

I just sent you the areas to your email.

Yes, keep the forest, its one of the areas!
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Post by Eco Master »

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Eco Master
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Post by Eco Master »

Hmm, I'm gonna steal the volcano Idea from DM, is that okay?
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Post by Issa »

Yea thats perfectly fine. Take the castle from Dm2 as well. The castle should be big.

I dunno how you would be able to put a town in the volcano but maybe like make it a cave or something and inside is the town. Put it somewhere in the mountains I dunno.

And make the map realistic as much as possible, like dont put snow right next to a desert. You can see how I did it, the snow is far away from the desert.
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Post by Eco Master »

Ok, will do. The castle was the place in the arctic, right? With King Issa?

Oh, and I'm almost done with the Islands place. I made it all bridge right now, but I'm gonna make little islands where the buildings will go.

This site keeps shutting down occasionaly, what's up with that?
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Post by Issa »

There was a hard drive crash on the host, it crashed last week and they fixed it today. Thats why it went down today and last week.
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Post by Issa »

Send me the latest map every couple days so I can give you feedback on things. Also I could add the tournaments too for places you have made, its easy to code. 10 minutes max to add a new tournament.
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Post by Eco Master »

K I'll send it to you tommorrow when I finish.

For now? !2 AM, Im off to bed.
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Eco Master
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Post by Eco Master »

Ugh, no... sleep... but I am quite awake this morning! Woke up around 6:30 and thought, "Hmm, why not work on my island map?" So I did and the file is comin' your way!

Lol I just realized it's 5 AM over there! XD
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Eco Master
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Post by Eco Master »

Whoops, I think I just sent you 3 similar e-mails! Ignore two of them. They all have the same stuff.

Stupid error. It saved the other two and sent them with the successful e-mail.
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Post by Issa »

Awesome dude, love the islands and forrest. One thing though, I like all my buildings to have two layer roofs if possible, one layer doesnt look so good to me.

So far so good!
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Post by Eco Master »

Uh, im hooked on a game right now. Havent updated. Ill get back on track soon.
"OMG!! I'm gonna win! *is killed by a random person* What the- GRRR!-me playing Dynasty Warriors 5

Post by incubus »

hey ecomaster hows the map looking i just wannna know sumthing with ecos help issa how long u reckon will take
i really want u to finish chicken 2005 so u can start on tactics :P
Eco Master
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Post by Eco Master »

Well, my addiction has passed somewhat, so ill be working a lot now. I believe there are 6 out of 12(?) towns done.

Won't be long now!
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Post by Issa »

Be sure to send me updates so I can keep track on what you are doing.
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Post by Eco Master »

Ok, i'm starting the volcano now.
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Eco Master
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Post by Eco Master »

You want the volcano town actually inside(go into cave which takes you to a new map layer) or just plain on the volcano?
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Post by Issa »

Inside, do it like DM. Where there is a cave.
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Post by Eco Master »

K good, I alredy started like that.

I'll send u an update when I finish the volcano, arctic, and mountains.

I assume the mountains will be in he mountains, right? You know, the brownish rock border thing.
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Post by Issa »

Uh, I guess I really dont care what tiles you use, just make it look good. But this is why I want updates so if I dont like something I can tell you. I dont want you finishing tons of stuff then having me say it looks like crap.
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Post by Eco Master »

Starting the Arctic now.

Somethings you should know about the volcano town. The cave where you enter is at 80/21, but you can teleport to 79/21, layer 1 to get to the town. I guess you'll have to manually make the cave enterable.

The houses aren't working right either. They bring you up to layer one, but I would imagine that ou can fix this.

Before I take on the arctic, im bonna cut down the size a little.

Oh, I was asking whaere to put the mountain town. I was thinking i could put it in the middle of the mountains. I also have an urge to make a maze to the mountain town. >.>;

One more thing, I'm going to go ahead and send you each town I do. You should get a volcanoized map in a sec, and hopefully not three this time lol.
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Post by Issa »

Just took a quick look, so far its decent. I think what I am going to do is pick a date, like in a couple days, where you will stop working on the map and send me the latest. Then I can go through and start adding tournaments and fix up the map where I think it needs fixing. Then probably like August 1st I will release build 55 with the new map and you can get back to working on it.

So lets say about July 13th, send me the latest map and stop working on it until the next build is released.

How about making the inside of the towns for the islands and forest and plains for now?
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Post by Eco Master »

Okay, ill get on that.
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Eco Master
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Post by Eco Master »

K, sent u the file
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Eco Master
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Post by Eco Master »

>.<;; I forgot to put in a tournament place! Can you take care of that?
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Post by Issa »

I am going to edit a lot of the map to make it cleaner and stuff. I will add whatever is needed as well. Thanks.
Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction.

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Post by Eco Master »

Well guys, my friend let me borrow Legend of Zelda: Ocarania of Time. Im gonna have to quit mapping until I'm finished. I guess someone else can take over, unless Issa wants to do this himself.

I'll be away for awhile, nut when I get back, I'll check on the progress CF2K5 has made!
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Post by Issa »

Ok, I will take over then. Send me the latest map file if you worked on it.
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Post by Eco Master »

My description of OoT's Ending:

Ganon: Rawr i r dead
Link: lol u suck
Zelda: Yay u liek saved Hyrule
Link:woohoo am I liek 1337 or wat
Zelda:Anyway, were gonna go into teh clouds
Link: k

In Spirit Realm
Zelda:K im sending u back 2 ur time
Link: Wow, i feel high, reeeaal high
Zelda:¬_¬ *sends Link back*

*Everyone proceeds to dance*

So, yeah im done. I'll pick up when Issa releass the next build.
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Post by Issa »


When I release the latest build I would like you to make the arctic town. Its where the snowmen spell ISSA. Please make the inside of the buildings too.

Thats it for now since I dunno where else I want everything yet.

You will also see that I have completed the islands (you did a great job starting it!) and I have completed the plains (also a great job!).

I am not sure where to put the swamp area, maybe you can find a good place?

Thank you for the hard work, its saved me weeks of time!
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Post by Issa »

Ok, lastest build will be released tonight. I would like priority to be on finishing the plains and forrest towns. Then start on an arctic town somewhere. If you still have time then work on the castle, mines, and mountains. Also figure out where a swamp could go. Thanks.
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Post by Issa »

So whats the update with the map making?
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Post by Eco Master »

I have a private internet connection that was down all this week. Im just now getting .65, so nutin yet. I'll probably get the Arctic Outside done today, and a bit of inside. I'll report back tomorrow!

Oh, school starts monday here. Just lettin you know.
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Post by Eco Master »

R.I.P., Eco Master's Craptacular Volcano

Lol, u should put that on a sign near the old volcano that says that.
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Post by Eco Master »

Umm, yeah. Workin slowly but surely. Forest WILL be done today. Dont worry about that.
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Eco Master
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Post by Eco Master »

Ok i passed the torch to Issa for a few reasons.

1. School. Enough said there.

2. If you bother to read my posts, I do have my own games. I decided that I'm making my own adventure game, which is now called Super Stick Adventure Challenge (name inspired from my stick guy). And yes, it currently sucks alot.

Yea, i'll help if you want me to, im not completley leaving Issasoft. If you need help on the map, take another break and let me do some stuff.
"OMG!! I'm gonna win! *is killed by a random person* What the- GRRR!-me playing Dynasty Warriors 5


Post by XxLexusxX »

Srry ur leaving Eco Master u seemed to help alot didnt ya? on da map anywayz but srry ur leaving. Ur lucky to help on a game all i can do is make my own which suck but srry ur leaving ( not completely )

Anywho cya have fun wif school lol!
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Post by Eco Master »

Lol, have fun with school? Eh, I always do so that won't be a problem.

Yea i am making my own game (which sucks more than it did a while ago. stupid hole >_<). So uhh.... I guess i can update here? Ok then.

Build... er watever.
Uhh, added a cave with an apple tree. Aplles are refusing to go in the right place, and you CAN get a concussion. Which does nothing rite now. The exit also takes you to the beginning of the level, which isnt supposed to happen.
"OMG!! I'm gonna win! *is killed by a random person* What the- GRRR!-me playing Dynasty Warriors 5
tjhombre(Chicken Fightah)


Post by tjhombre(Chicken Fightah) »

So, is ecomaster a helper with CF2K5? Sounds like yous a doin' an OKAY job.... :lol:
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